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Bhubaneswar,28/06/22 (Pratyusha Bureau):

All Odisha Rice Millers Association (AORMA), an apex body of rice millers of the state has organized a two daysconference on Hotel ITC WELCOM, Bhubaneswar in June 27 and 28, 2022, where wide range of issues is discussed. Dignitaries were deliberated on theme ‘Modernization, technical upgradation and scope of export of rice by rice milling industry’. Hon’ble minister of Industry, MSME and Energy, Government of OdishaShriPratap Keshari Deb graced the occasion and inaugurated the conference. In this conference dignitaries were discussed on topics like value addition on rice, rice export, technical upgradation & modernization of rice mills.
On this occasion, Minister Shri Pratap Keshari Deb said that “Rice millers in Odisha confined themselves to the traditional way of business. You have to come out from your comfort zone. Other than doing business as usual, you have to look after opportunities in the market. Tap new market opportunities. Our government implemented many policies for betterment of Industries. You can come with your issues and solutions you want from government. Please participate in the policy making process.”

Laxminarayan Deepak Ranjan Das,General Secretary AORMA said that “We want to educate our rice millers for value addition ofrice and scope of export of rice in our state, in this regard AORMA invited Dr. Hameeda Banu Itagi, Senior Associate Scientist, Centre of excellence in rice value addition at International Rice Research Institute Varanasi & Dr. NeseSreenivasulu Senior Associate Scientist International Rice Research InstituteLoasBanos, Philippinnes to give lecture on the above matter. Further Odisha has abundant potential on paddy and milling capacity of rice millers to do milling paddy for both domestic requirement and export. In this regard APEDA has also conducted state level seminars in association with State Govt for Odisha export Of Rice Only the need is government should provide suitable ecosystem and atmosphere that enable rice millers to achieve desired result. It will boost our state as well as country economy.”
Odisha is a major rice producing state and rice is our major crop. Large numbers of cultivated land under paddy crop and our main staple food is also rice. It provides employment opportunities to 50% of our state population and contributed largely to the

agriculture economy of the state. Rice millers are important stakeholders of this journey. They have been playing major role in shaping the industry.Odisha is a surplus state in term of paddy procurement by government agencies. Still rice millers of Odisha have unutilized milling capacity which can be used for export of non-basmati rice.
AORMA is an Association constituted by the rice millers of Odisha and Registered under society Act, under Inspector General of Registration, Board of Revenue, and Govt. of Odisha. It’s primary aim to provide suitable platform to the rice millers for redressal and guidance of various aspectsrelating to the rice milling industry of Odisha on every aspect.

About AORMA:
Some 36 Rice Millers from various districts assembled on 15th November, 2004 at Hotel Crown and “ALL ORISSA RICE MILLERS ASSOCIATION” was formed. The spontaneous decision was full of enthusiasm and the Rice Millers present during this occasion, represented all age group of millers. We have been trying to put forth our grievances before the respective forum in a factual way on its merit and keep persuading the same till it is achieved. We have been able to keep our heads high. We are constantly in touch with the State Government. We are co-operating the State Government in achieving an all time high procurement target. The scenario is now totally changed. We are proud to be part of a Food Grains Surplus State which was earlier termed as a deficit State being dependant on import of food grains from other States.

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