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BHUBANESWAR 17/6/22 ( Pratyusha Bureau ) :

AS part af Preventive vigilance on Fire Safety and security issues, DGP Fire ServicesSfi Santosn upaonyay. Pnas Deen stralegzing by outreaching to major Stakenolders. A eview meeing was neld in ofice or Fire ervices Directorale on 17.6.22 with 1OCL authorities. The meeting was attended by CFO DK Swain, FO Cuttack BK Panda and locL officials CGM DP Satpathi, DGM (F S) BK Panda, DGMs Marketing, Operations, Fleet Wings. DG highlighted mportant ingredients of an etective response system through ntegraled insnunona afrangemenis, state or the art Torecasting ana earny warning systems, safe communication system, rapid evacuation, quicK deployment of specialized response forces and coordination and synergy among various agencies at various levels in dealing with refinery-originated fire disaster. DG expressed authorities were impressed upon to procure more such vehicles for Balasore, Jatni, Jharsuguda depots. IOCL authorities talked about availability of sale evacuation plans for major depots in Odisha and undertaking ot reguiar rehearsalsS/ mock drils in co-ordination wn lee training. All major depots were found to be having valid FSCs including major build i of locL complex Paradeep. DGM (F®S) Paradeep refinery mentioned about availability of 111 trained CisF Fremen with latest fire safety equipment. Comprehensive review about avaiability of fre safety isSues ot Marketing wing and Pipelines wing wasS neld inciuing pumping rom accident oi tanKers, LFG lankers tc It was emphasised to have professional exchange of knowledge, skill mutually and for sparng fire safety resources of ocL towards disaster managerment. 2 0 nfuse transparency as mandated under ntroducion of post-paid M Fieet cards was tinallsea wnich nas been permited Dy Govt. iniaily t was decidea to start in 2 districts of Khordha,Cuttack as pilot projects for FS vehicles. 1ocL will be giving 0.50 point redemptions tor purchase of POL which wil be deposited to state exchequer. Additionally, Drivers of fire tenders will be covered with Insurance upto Rs 5 lakhs. S Owards objective ot better tire satety compliances as mandated under tor irectorate, Dg ire services and senior omicers took stoCK OTFS ssues or cinema hals/multiplex/hospitals and nursing homes on 16.6.22 through video-conterencing with all Range Fire Officers, DFOs, AFOs of state. DFOs were advised to follow up with non-compliant institutions by moving to appropriate licencing authorities as per provisions under Fire Safety Rules 2017, 2019

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