ICC Observe Food and Agro Conclave 2023.

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Bhubaneswar, 09.08.23 ( Pratyusha Bureau): Food and Agro Conclave has held at Ginger Hotel in collaboration with Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Startup Odisha, MSME under the chairmanship of ICC Odisha Council Chairman J.B.Pany. ICC Chairman of Odisha Council Agro and Food Processing Committee Sri Ram Panda informed about the approach of the program. The Vice Chancellor of OUAT, Prof. Pravat Kumar Roul, Chief General Manager of NABARD Dr. Sudshanshu KK Mishra joined as the guest of honor in this event.ICC’s Chief Mentor Dr. Pradipta Mohanty was also present in this occasion. On this occasion, a MoU was signed between ICC and OUAT. ICC Odisha Council Agro and Food Processing Committee along with host Sujan Mohanty gave vote of thanks. A panel discussion on high performing in startups was held in the second session In which OUAT Vice chancellor pravat Kumar Raul, CEO of SSUInnovation Foundation Dr Barda Prasanna Panigrahy, Dr Sk Dash, DEAN,CAET, OUAT,FarmX Trading Pvt. Ltd CEO Subash Chandra Patnaik, ICC Odisha Council Agro and Food Processing Committee, Chairperson Sujan Mohanty, COO of Institute of life sience Nivedita Jena participated. In the third session of the ICC Vice Chairman Rajeev Sahu, INWEC, ICC Odisha state council,Tanaya Patnaik and Convener, Agri and food Processing Committe Sriram Panda discussed the challenges and issues facing startups.

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