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Bhubaneswar, 17/06/23 (Pratyusha Bureau):This year also 13 out of 13 Zindagi Foundation students got good ranking in NEET- 2023. Zindagi Foundation is in its mission to transform the lives of underprivileged students to make their dream true becoming doctors. Zindagi Foundation has been providing free boarding, lodging, medical coaching, study materials and all other expenses to the underprivileged students. Since 2017, Zindagi Foundation has made the dream of 103 such students come true to become doctors. Bishwaranjan Gaya is the son of a poor daily wage laborer from Puri district of Odisha. Despite being a very bright student, his family could not afford medical coaching. In fact, it was very difficult to even get enough food for the family every day. Bishwaranjan has scored 640 in NEET 2023. Now he is almost certain to get admission in a prestigious medical college. This is not just one story. Similar journey of another student Suryakant Sandhibigrah who belongs to a poor family. His family struggles for a square meal everyday. When the founder Ajay Bahadur Singh got to know about Suryakant Sandhibigrah, he immediately sent his people and brought him to Bhubaneswar and provided him with free boarding, lodging and medical coaching. This year he has scored 604 in NEET-2023. The story of Deepika Dalai daughter of a daily wage laborer and other children is also quite impressive. Ajay Bahadur Singh, founder of Zindagi Foundation says that he himself could not become a doctor due to financial difficulties. When he came out of the phase of struggle, he decided he would not allow any deserving student to quit their dreams of becoming a doctor just because of poverty. After this he started the foundation in which he helps the underprivileged students to prepare for NEET through experts. Along with this, the Foundation bears all the expenses from their food and the hostel for their stay. Ajay further says “Now I am fulfilling my dream through these students. I committed to continue my best efforts for this noble cause and the foundation is planning to take more number of students this year”.

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