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Bhubaneswar 04/9/22 ( pratyusha bureau ):Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, celebrated its 48th Foundation Day in its premises on4th September 2022. Prof. Ajit Kumar Mohanty, Director, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre(BARC), Mumbai, graced the occasion as Chief Guest and delivered the Foundation Day Talk.Prof. Mohanty explained how lop is an iconic place for pursuing research and how he is anloPian in many aspects. He also explained the peaceful use of nuclear energy in the energysector, particularly sustainable nuclear power for society. Prof. Mohanty emphasized theresearch of the Neutrino, the use of materials for thermoelectricity, supercomputer applicationsetc. He also addressed the audience by citing the brief story of Homi Bhaba and Sir C. V.Raman.The session was chaired by Prof. K. K. Nanda, Director, Institute of Physics,Bhubaneswar, in the presence of Prof. T. Som, Chairman of the Foundation Day CelebrationCommittee, Prof. P. K. Sahu, Registrar and Dr Basudev Mohanty, Convener at the Institute’sAuditorium. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks by Prof. P. K. Sahu, Registrar, Institute ofPhysics, Bhubaneswar, followed by a Cultural Programme.Apart from these, eminent Professors in Physics delivered two Foundation Day Colloquiaon different domains of Physics in the morning sessions. In the first session, Prof. S. B.Krupanidhi, Materials Research Centre (MRC), Indian Institute of Science (IISc.), Bangalore,talked on “Heterojunctions based on 2D/III-Nitrides hybrids”, emphasising various applications ofphoto-detectors such as environmental monitoring, space research and optical communication.In the second session, Prof. D. Kanjilal, Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), New Delhi,talked about “lon Accelerators and their Applications in Research and Industry”. It covered thedesign and development aspects of various ion accelerators and associated technology,especially in the country. The use of various ion beams at different energies is also explained byProf. Kanjilal.

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