XIM UNIVERSITY CELEBRATES NINTH PG CONVOCATION A GRAND SUCCESS.Comprehensive education needs for our nation said Nadir.

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Bhubaneswar 21 April 2023( pratyusha bureau ) : our nation’s pride XIM UNIVERSITY celebrates the ninth PG convention at it’s second campus Bhubaneswar. In this occasion chief Guest of the function Mr. Nadir B. Godrej said It’s such a pleasure for me to be At XIM University.

The need of the hour for our nation Is comprehensive education. And just like you, as one can see, I also will get a degree. For yours you worked tirelessly Mine, of course, is honorary. The times we live in are very tough The going can get very rough. The Sun may not be brightly shining But clouds can have their silver lining. In every crisis we should see A glorious opportunity. It is no longer Climate Change Within a tolerable range.

A crisis is what it’s about With fires, floods as well as drought. Every week a constant blast Far worse than seen in the past. If we must, we will adapt Prevention though would be more apt. There is a cost to adaptation, It’s rising fast in every nation As well as for the world at large. And this will be a heavy charge. In fact we should by now conclude Prevention would be really shrewd. It actually would cost much less Indeed avoid a lot of stress. A uniform carbon tax Would protect all our backs, Collected by each Nation state But universal in its rate! .In this function received 06 doctoral degree & 639 PG degree respectively.Among the eminent dignitaries’ present were Fr. Jerome Cutinha, S.J., Chairman, Board of Governors of XIM University, Shri. Rajive Kaul, Emeritus Chairman, Board of Governors of XIM University, Fr. Antony R. Uvari, S.J., Vice Chancellor, XIM University, Fr. S. Antony Raj S.J., Registrar, Fr. V. Arockia Das, S.J., Chief Finance Officer, XIM University, Deans of different schools and Officials of XIM University. A few of the elite Board Members were also present occasion.

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